With the acquisition of Detcon, Oldham, Simtronics, GMI, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection has become one of the largest manufacturers of gas and flame detection products.  These global brands bring together more than 100 years of industry experience across a wide range of innovative gas and flame detection solutions.  This adds significant adjacent strength to the Instrumentation Division of Teledyne, a leading provider of sophisticated instrumentation, digital imaging products and software, aerospace and defense electronics, and engineered systems, providing a broader array of safety products and solutions, enhancing our relevance to customers worldwide.  Every customer scenario demands a different, customized approach, and Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection applies expertise in building the right plan for the right hazards every time.  Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection uses its global capability, manufacturing excellence, and custom engineering to provide end-to-end gas and flame detection solutions for a wide range of hazards worldwide. Our products are sold through a world-class system of knowledgeable distributors, manufacturers' representatives, and sales subsidiaries. From custom-designed solutions to unmatched technical support, our gas and flame detection solutions are backed by expert judgment and premier technology that you can trust.

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